First off, I’d like to mention, if there is ONE thing I KNOW about and have PLENTY of experience with, it’s eating disorders. I know from personal experience the struggles, the ups, the downs, the self hatred and what goes on in the head of someone with an eating disorder. I AM someone with an eating disorder. I say “AM” because this never truly goes away, no matter how recovered one is. Someone with an eating disorder sees their body negatively, no matter how many compliments they receive. While they may recover and share their new found love of healthy nutrition, they will also still have days they feel they look bad or be extra cautious of their food choices.
So here’s my take on this subject. As a recovered anorexic/bulemic, I can tell you having a meal plan in place is actually VERY helpful. It not only keeps me from making poor food choices (which trigger anger and restricting), it also encourages me to eat healthy! It motivates me to feed my body nutritious foods while still having control over my calories. The hardest part was allowing myself to consume the proper amount of calories my body needs. Once I learned WHY my body needs those calories, the good and bad types of foods calories come from, and all the science behind macros and micronutrients, I went all in. Not only did I lose weight the HEALTHY way, but I was repairing the damage I had already caused by starving myself for so long. I noticed more energy, better skin and hair, no more tummy issues, and I wasn’t hungry ALL the time! To me, that made it worth it, just FEELING better. I have been able to stick to this plan, and I feel like I’m 20 again!
So, girls, teens, young women, if you’re reading this, PLEASE love your body enough to feed it nutritious foods. Take care of it. It's the only one you have. You ARE beautiful!